Order Cancel
This API cancels open or pending orders, including AMO and regular orders, and assists in exiting COs, offering traders a streamlined solution for order management.
Header Parameters
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Request Parameter
Parameter | Value | Mandatory | Remarks |
txn_type | B/S | Y | The type of transaction, where "B" typically stands for Buy and "S" stands for SELL. |
exchange | NSE | Y | The exchange where the transaction takes place, it can be NSE/BSE. |
segment | E | Y | The market segment, where "E" might stand for "Equity". |
product | I | Y | The product type is intraday. |
security_id | 14366 | Y | The unique identifier for the security being traded. |
quantity | 2 | Y | Non-zero integer value |
price | 0.00 | Y | Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL |
validity | DAY | Y | The validity of the order, indicating it is valid for the day. |
order_type | MKT | Y | The type of order, where "MKT" stands for a market order. |
disc_quantity | 0 | N | The disclosed quantity of the order. |
trigger_price | 0.00 | N | The price at which a stop order is triggered. "0.00" indicates no stop price. |
off_mkt_flag | false | Y | true for Aftermarket order, false for normal order |
remarks | 502929 | N | Additional remarks or reference number for the transaction. |
mkt_type | NL | Y | Default value is NL |
good_till_days_date | 2019-03-29 (yyyy-MM-dd) | N | Mandatory when validity is GTD |
order_no | 1234567890 | Y | Order number |
serial_no | 1 | Y | Serial number |
group_id | 1 | Y | Group Id |
ip | | Y | IP address of client device |
uu_id | 12345678 | Y | This random ID is to be generated and persisted on a device when a user installs or initializes the app (Mobile or EXE) for the first time |
app_id | 12345678 | Y | App ID of client device |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Description |
Status | “success”/”error” |
Message | “Some Message” |
Data | An object containing the details of the order. |
order_no | Order specific identification number. |
Last updated